Your West Seattle Attorney

michael-atkinsWest Seattle is tight knit community. You always bump into friends, neighbors and people you know when you’re out shopping, dining and walking along the shore. We look out for each other and strive to do the right thing.
That’s the approach I’ve brought to my legal practice since the day I started it in 1990. Most people aren’t happy with the situations that brought them to my door, but I do my best to make them happy with the outcome when we’re done.

Let’s face it — the two scariest things about hiring an attorney are the small print and the big bill. It doesn’t have to be that way. My job is to clearly explain your legal rights and come up with a plan that’s in your best financial and legal interest.

When you walk through the door, I don’t see dollar signs; I see someone who deserves compassion, respect and the best legal advice I can offer.

So let’s talk about your needs. Call today to arrange your free consultation. No obligation. No hassle. No charge.

Thank you,

Michael Atkins
Atkins Law Group

Phone: (206) 932-6754